JOIN US Sunday Mornings 10am
Are you seeking a church that…
Preaches the truth of God’s Word
Welcomes the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit
And is a loving, Christ-centered community
Join us Sundays 10am!
Current Sermon Series: Who is the Holy Spirit?
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Revive Covenant Church
Our mission is to lead people into a deep relationship with Jesus and
to form them in His character through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The three main ways our formation into the image of Christ happens are:
Intimacy with Jesus
We are a church dedicated to cultivating a deep relationship with Jesus (John 15:4-5). We do this through regularly reading and meditating on God's Word, spending time in prayer (speaking to God and listening to His Spirit speak to us), transparently sharing our lives and our hearts with Him, continually receiving His grace and forgiveness, opening ourselves to Him in worship, and living in the truth that nothing is more important than an intimate relationship with Jesus.
Loving Community
We strive to be a community marked by love, humility, authenticity, honesty, confession, healing. We strive to be a community where our true self in Christ can grow into fullness of life, and where the gifts of the Spirit can flourish. We are a community of redeemed sinners who accept and embrace one another as we live in the presence of God's grace
(Col. 3:12-17, Eph. 2:8).
Compassionate Mission
God calls us to become a community that is open to receiving the infilling of His love and to then be carriers of this love to the poor and hurting of our local community and the wider world through acts of compassionate service (Matt. 25:40). As God sent Jesus as His agent of healing and salvation to this broken world (John 3:16) so Jesus sends us, His Body, as His agents of healing and salvation to the world through the power of the Holy Spirit (John 17:18).
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